IQM2 and NovusAGENDA End-of-Life Planning

This page will serve as the central hub for all information relating to the sunsetting of IQM2 and NovusAGENDA. Here you’ll find some detailed FAQs, video demonstrations, and links for other Granicus products, an action checklist for your next steps, and a guide to selecting the right agenda management product for your organization. Most importantly, however, you’ll find a link to an email dedicated to answering your questions, setting up meetings, and supporting you through this process every step of the way.

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Granicus has been supporting municipal clerks since 1999, and our agenda and meeting management solutions are designed by clerks for clerks so that you can clerk smarter, not harder.

After lengthy consideration and evaluation of the Granicus agenda management solution family, IQM2 and NovusAGENDA have been scheduled for sunsetting. In technology, it’s often the case that as software and hardware ages and new technologies are introduced, the older software and hardware becomes more difficult to maintain. The decision to announce the end-of-life for both of these products was very difficult. After weighing the potential alternatives, we believe we now have more modern, more functional solutions that will better meet your needs and provide you with the level of service and performance that you expect.

“Public meetings are the heart of civic engagement and transparency.”

– Mark Hynes, Granicus CEO

Mark Hynes headshot


Granicus is one of the leading providers of agenda and meeting management technology to all levels of government throughout the United States. In recent years, Granicus has created and acquired best-in-class solutions to offer new and current customers not only highly functional agenda and video technology, but also powerful toolkits for boards and commissions, subscriber notifications, digital voting, and other helpful tools to support Clerks in serving their communities. We have waited to end support for IQM2 and NovusAGENDA until we felt completely confident that we could offer IQM2 and NovusAGENDA customers an even better product.

Granicus is committed to enhancing the overall product experience in its go-forward govMeetings products, including One Meeting, Peak, Legistar, Granicus Video (Live Cast and Government Transparency) and Swagit. We look forward to welcoming Customers to our modern, secure, cloud-based solutions with upgraded UIs, upgraded Councilmember apps and Voting, support for remote meetings, cutting edge Encoder technology, and Generative AI to speed up the work of the clerk.

Granicus is also making significant investments in customer and technical support to accelerate response time and case resolution. Those investments specifically aim at improving the customer experience for govMeetings agenda and video technology solutions. We will be able to provide a better customer support experience for users, including faster and more consistent response times across in-person and digital channels, enhanced documentation and remote support for video usage. Also, fewer products to support means that customer support resources, particularly tech support agents, are more focused on the go-forward products.

Granicus plans to move all customers off NovusAGENDA agenda and video products by September 30, 2025. Extended support for NovusAGENDA products after October 31, 2024 will be provided and charged at the customer’s 2025 renewal date.

Granicus plans to move all customers off IQM2 agenda and video products by September 30, 2027. Extended support for IQM2 products after September 30, 2025 will be provided and charged at the customer’s 2026 and 2027 renewal dates.

Customers who migrate or commit in writing to migrate to other Granicus solutions will receive extended support until migration is complete at no additional cost.

Product End-of-Support Date End-of-Life Date
NovusAGENDA October 31, 2024 September 30, 2025
IQM2 September 30, 202 5 September 30, 2027

The end-of-support date is a key milestone along the path to a software or hardware’s end-of-life. At the end-of-support, no additional minor updates or enhancements will be made. Critical bug fixes and security updates will continue through to the end-of-life date. After the end-of-support date, if you choose to remain on the software, Granicus phone and email support for routine questions or requests will continue to be available after the end-of-support date only with the purchase of an additional extended support package, which will be assessed at your renewal date(s). Those customers who migrate to other Granicus solutions will receive extended support until migration is complete at no additional cost.

In technology, it’s often the case that as software and hardware ages, and new technologies are introduced, the older software and hardware becomes more difficult to maintain and becomes more difficult to support. The decision to announce the end-of-life for both of these products was very difficult. After weighing the potential alternatives, we believe we have more modern solutions available that will allow us to better meet your needs and provide you with the level of service and performance that you expect.

At the end-of-life, all access to and support for the product will cease, including critical bug fixes, security updates, and access to Granicus phone and email support.

Unfortunately, at the products’ end-of-life date, the products will be completely decommissioned, access to the products will be unavailable, and no data from them will be accessible. However, there are many options for saving and/or migrating important documents prior the software’s end-of-life. Your migration team will work with you to determine which approach best fits your needs and budget.

If you choose to stay with Granicus, not only will you have access to the best-in-industry agenda and video solutions, but you’ll also receive complete migration support until implementation of your new solution, even if that implementation is not completed until after your current product’s end-of-support date. Some transition fees that you’ll face as a Granicus customer are industry-wide and will be incurred whether you stay or move to a different company. Migration and implementation are both labor-intensive for software companies and associated fees are therefore dictated by staffing costs.

  • We’re here to support you every step of the way. Download and print out our Migration Action Checklist. On it, we recommend the following:
  • Watch for and read the upcoming emails from your Granicus team.
  • Attend one of our upcoming product webinars to learn more about our agenda and meeting management solutions.
  • Take our quiz to learn which Granicus solution customers like you are currently using.
  • Read our guide for clerks about selecting the right agenda and meeting management solution.
  • Start talking to your internal stakeholders about the coming change. Identify:
    • Decision makers that will need to participate in upcoming conversations about migration
    • Key factors that will determine an optimal time frame for migration
    • Budget and/or procedural impacts
  • Contact our team to discuss your options by sending an email to or completing the contact form on the Resource webpage to receive more information.

Granicus has several options to consider to meet your specific needs and your budget. We have successfully migrated many customers from IQM2 and NovusAGENDA to our agenda and meeting management and our video solutions. Generally speaking, we’ll start with the following considerations as we help you find the right product for your organization:

Agenda management:

  • Municipality, county, board, or district with a population of 70,000 and greater, producing large and/or complex agenda packets, with more complex workflows à OneMeeting
  • Municipality, county, board, or district with a population of fewer than 70,000, producing smaller and/or simpler agenda packets, with simpler workflow reviews à Peak Agenda

Meeting management/Video streaming and video-on-demand:

  • Municipality, county, board, or district that desires to outsource most or all of its video streaming and recording tasks and has meetings primarily in the same location à Swagit
  • Municipality, county, board, or district that desires a self-service approach to its video streaming and recording tasks and/or has meetings at multiple locations à Granicus Video

Right-sizing the solution to your organization’s need is the first step to successfully employing technology to increase your productivity and efficiency and improve your customer service and engagement. Our team will be proactively reaching out to you in the coming months and hosting several product webinars specifically designed to help determine the best Granicus product for you moving forward.

The cost of migrating to a new solution – with Granicus or anyone else – typically includes the cost of purchasing a new solution along with a cost to migrate your existing data. Your Granicus migration advisor will walk you through the migration packages that have been created to make your move to a go-forward product as seamless as possible. Because customers will be moving from one Granicus product to another, the scope, cost and time for migrations have been optimized by the Granicus teams.

We have created a team of experienced implementation resources, dedicated to making this process as easy as possible. Your Granicus team will assist you in identifying the best approach for archiving and/or migrating your existing data. All users will be migrated. OneMeeting and Peak are cloud-based solutions, and no software installation is needed. This Granicus project team and client project teams will work together through six project phases. These phases include project startup, configuration, testing, training, parallel usage, and go live. It typically takes three to six months from project startup to go live plus at least another month if data migration is part of the project. Specific project schedules are developed collaboratively during the project startup phase. If you opt to migrate to another Granicus solution, your existing solution will remain online and available until the new product is operational, even if that time extends beyond the stated end of support dates.

Granicus is uniquely positioned as experts on your current solution and your new solution. This enables us to create migration packages that reduce complexity and the time you and your team will spend migrating to the new solution.

Granicus has more than 10 years of experience working with agencies implementing the best legislative management solutions in the market. We have successfully worked with thousands of agencies. Our large implementation services team of professionals is excited and ready to assist.

Your Granicus team will assist you in identifying the best approach for archiving and/or migrating your existing data.

Yes, all users will be migrated. OneMeeting and Peak are cloud-based solutions, and no software installation is needed.

Current NovusAGENDA video customers will be able to choose from one of our go-forward video solutions, paired with one of our agenda and meeting management solutions. We will work with you to identify the best data migration approach as a part of the agenda and meeting management migration.

Current IQM2 video encoders are approaching end of life and do not allow for remote support, which makes technology issue resolution challenging for customers and Granicus. Granicus plans to make its new best-in-class video technology and hardware available to IQM2 customers starting in early 2024. This new video technology enables remote support and improved stability. Better yet, this solution is completely compatible with all Granicus go-forward video solutions and will make the migration of IQM2 agenda solutions even smoother when you choose to take that step.

Migrating to the more modern govMeetings solutions will substantially enhance the customer support experience for users, including faster response times across in-person and digital channels, enhanced documentation and remote support for video usage. Also, fewer products to support means that customer support resources, particularly staff, are able to focus on developing expertise on the go-forward products.

We have created a team of experienced implementation resources, dedicated to making this process as easy as possible. This Granicus project team and client project teams will work together through six project phases. These phases include project startup, configuration, testing, training, parallel usage, and go live. It typically takes three to six months from project startup to go live and more time if current data is being migrated from your previous solution to the new solution. Specific project schedules are developed collaboratively during the project startup phase. If you opt to migrate to another Granicus solution, your existing solution will remain online and available until the new product is operational, even if that time extends beyond the stated end of life dates.

Granicus has more than 10 years of experience working with agencies implementing the best legislative management solutions in the market. We have successfully worked with thousands of agencies. Our large implementation services team of professionals is excited and ready to assist.

Granicus understands that this is a big transition for many customers, and we have created a dedicated, specialized team to help you. We will be hosting webinars with product demos, reaching out to you directly, staffing a special email address for these inquiries, and producing checklists of considerations and things to do in preparation for selecting a new agenda and meeting management solution. We sincerely value your customer loyalty and are committed to helping you make a smooth and beneficial transition to a better, more modern product.

Right-sizing the solution to your organization’s need is the first step to successfully employing technology to increase your productivity and efficiency and improve your customer service and engagement. Our team will be proactively reaching out to you in the coming months and hosting several product webinars specifically designed to help determine the best Granicus product for you moving forward.

Reach out to our migration team directly at, or complete the online form below to be contacted about next steps and options.

Woman using laptop

Wondering what your options are with other Granicus products?

Check out these customer demo webinars designed especially for IQM2(MinuteTraq) and NovusAGENDA customers.

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