- Agenda & meeting management
- Digital Services & Forms
- Digital communication & engagement
- Websites & CMS
- Public Records & Compliance
OneMeeting agenda management
From prep to publish, OneMeeting (formerly known as PrimeGov) offers easy meeting management for medium to large-sized government organizations.

Designed by clerks for clerks, OneMeeting provides a comprehensive, modern, and cloud-based solution to public meeting challenges for larger government organizations.
- Recover valuable work hours by streamlining the agenda and meeting process
- Employ flexible and configurable software that integrates Microsoft Word for easy training and use
- Ensure regulatory compliance with ADA-friendly meeting materials and adherence to open meeting laws
- Make information easily accessible with public web portals

Using digital legislative management solutions allows government to streamline cross-departmental workflows, modernize the public meeting experience, and establish meaningful connections with constituents. Most importantly, it reduces the stress and burden of running meetings and allows clerks to focus on high-priority projects.

Route items through a fully configurable automated approval process that notifies assigned users when items are ready for review. Office 365 integration enables staff to edit system-generated agenda docs in Word, and multi-user editing allows everyone to see changes in real time.

OneMeeting’s in-meeting features simplify roll call, minute taking, voting, and public comments and requests to speak.

Timestamped videos sync to each agenda item for easy search-and-locate. Closed captioning and transcription services with industry-leading accuracy expand reach and encourage public participation.

Striving for ADA compliance and accessibility can be difficult without the right tools. OneMeeting has templates and webpages designed to support access for the entire community.
Clerk smarter,
not harder
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Granicus offers agenda and meeting management solutions that make legislative management less stressful, less costly, and more integrated. Our meeting management cloud platform scales and adapts to support the full legislative process and create space for all the important work clerks do.
Generate professional and polished agendas and minutes documents in seconds with built-in templates and create unique forms for each document type such as resolutions, contracts, ordinances, and more.
Split workflows, dynamic routing, and missed deadline alerts ensure complete meeting packets without the last-minute scramble. Finish the process with a few simple clicks to post agendas to a public web portal.
Simplify training and use with Office 365 integration, enabling contributors to view and edit staff reports and other system-generated documents in Word.
Capture roll calls, minutes, votes, and actions efficiently during the meeting. Manage speaker lists, facilitate public comments, and automatically time speakers.
Generate and publish ADA-friendly agendas and minutes to a searchable public web portal in just a few clicks. Enable social media sharing for increased awareness and reach.
With former clerks on staff, the Granicus team understands just how hard a clerk’s job can be. Use these free materials to inform and inspire.
Access for All: ADA Considerations for Inclusive Public Meetings
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Bringing Together Years of Leadership in Delivering Citizen Experience Solutions to Government
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