
What We Learned Analyzing Over 400 Million Messages

Granicus analyzed over 400 million government messages to help government leaders increase COVID-19 vaccine sign-ups. In this session, originally aired at NAGW 2021, we covered how we used machine learning to review thousands of data points on vaccine-related messages to identify what works, and what doesn’t, for government communications. 

Three Key Takeaways: 

  • How AI and Machine Learning Enabled Key Insights 
  • What Some of the Key Findings Were 
  • How We Can Use This Methodology Moving Forward


Dave Marcus, Chief Data Scientist, Granicus
David leads Granicus’s data science and machine learning team. He came to Granicus from Host Compliance where he was a co-founder and CTO until its acquisition by Granicus in 2019. Prior to Host Compliance, David served in Lead Data Scientist and Engineering Director roles at a few San Francisco startups. He also founded Routefriend.com, in its time the leading application for planning trips on buses and trains. David earned his Bachelor’s in Applied & Computational Mathematics at Caltech and his Master’s in Anthropology at the University of Kent in the UK. David lives in San Francisco with his wife and daughters where they bike, hike and, before COVID, rode transit for fun. 

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