A Proactive Approach to Public Meetings (Spoiler: Your Phone Will Stop Ringing)

Discover the public meeting experience that’s built for clerks & made for citizens.

We’ve all experienced a time when we’re in the middle of something important or urgent, and the phone rings. Whether it’s a citizen or a council member, they have a question only you can answer.

Move from reactive to proactive by making all the information that your city needs available in real time – no waiting, and no follow up calls.

Download this 30-minute webinar to learn how you can:

  • Easily publish public meeting information online and make it discoverable.
  • Take back the time you spend managing one-off requests.
  • Automate the approval process to prepare & publish agendas faster.

Don’t miss out on learning about the future of public meeting software! Find out exactly how your organization can take a proactive approach to your public meetings.

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