Modernizing Civic Engagement in a Time of Transformation and Budget Uncertainty

An IDC Analyst Brief

Governments are facing the most budget uncertainty in years – And it’s not going away anytime soon. Meanwhile, expanded civic engagement and digital transformation are needed more than ever.

So how can governments continue to develop their digital transformation, while navigating this new environment?

Download the latest guide, written by Curt Savoie, Program Director, Smart Cities and Communities at IDC, to get expert insight into some of the most challenging questions posed by government leaders today:

  • What does it mean to modernize civic engagement?
  • Why is this type of digital transformation important for local governments?
  • What role should IT leaders play in supporting the mission for modernizing
    civic engagement?
  • What steps can staff begin to take to prepare the organization for digital
  • What other opportunities can build off of successful initiatives?

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