How to Simplify 311 Requests

Save your team time, improve the resident experience, and overcome internal silos by simplifying 311 request management.

311 with faster response and turnaround time? It’s here. 311 with less hassle, fewer errors, and automated communications? It’s here. A single 311 system that’s optimized for digital, but handles in-person, phone, and email requests with equal ease? It’s here.

With Granicus’ 311 solution, you can improve staff productivity and customer satisfaction.

Download to learn how local governments keep up with resident requests, reduce process request time by up to 80%, cut costs, and see a 20% improvement in resident satisfaction.

Learn how to:

  • Reduce in-person requests by giving residents a modern 311 experience that lets them make and track requests through a simple self-service digital portal
  • Bring your 311 service online quickly with easy startup, implementation, and customization.
  • Customize your workflows to optimize teamwork and request fulfillment.
  • Break down silos to better serve residents.
  • Offer digital accessibility on any device, anywhere – at your residents’ convenience.

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