
5 Tips in 15 Minutes: Body Worn Cameras' Impact on Public Records Requests

Cindi Mansell, veteran records manager, discussed often overlooked impacts of BWC on those managing public records requests. She included experience-based advice from her time in Utah that you can take back to your organization.

Whether you are actively considering BWCs or already have them in place, Cindi will bring relatable experiences you can learn from including:

  • the need for more resources and storage
  • the laborious redaction process
  • defining “critical incidents”
  • transparency versus staff time and privacy expectations

We’re sure you’ll walk away with tips you can take back to your own organization based on Cindi’s many years of experience.

Watch the webinar on demand now!

Streamline Public Records Request Management with Granicus.

Learn more about the five ways that body-worn camera footage is impacting Public Records Requests here.

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