FOIA Software

What is FOIA Software?

FOIA software helps governments manage responses to freedom of information requests securely, while carefully protecting privacy. Freedom of Information activity is key to the efforts of democratic governments to operate transparently. The response process can be complex and needs to be secure and carefully tracked – and governments spend an increasing amount of time meeting FOIA requests. FOIA software helps governments do this efficiently and securely.

Why is it important?

Freedom of Information requests and responses are a key element of democratically elected governments operating transparently to their constituents. When individuals request information through FOIA requests, governments must respond quickly. They also need to ensure responses are secure, do not violate privacy, and that activity is carefully tracked so that reporting can be provided and all applicable laws and regulations are followed. Using enterprise FOIA software can help governments do all this efficiently and securely.

How does Granicus help?

Granicus provides the govService FOIA Solution, which helps governments meet, track, and securely respond to FOI requests. The solution allows governments to easily manage and digitize all stages of information requests, securely involve external users, and interact with residents online. It also includes integrated redaction, OCR and document conversion which helps governments protect privacy and security of information when responding to requests; as well as advanced analytics and reporting – like detailed audit logs, to help governments ensure they are responding to each request and meeting all applicable legal and regulatory requirements for doing so.

Learn more about how Granicus can help improve citizen engagement.


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