
The VA’s Journey Connecting to Veterans Across the Country

This Memorial Day, we are reflecting on those who are committed to serving the needs of America’s 22 million Veterans. With nearly 1,500 hospitals, centers, community clinics and regional offices to oversee, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has made innovative strides in ensuring that Veterans and their families get the information that they need.

By connecting and improving their digital channels, the VA was able to shift its communications strategy and send over 1,300 messages to 26 million people. These messages helped the VA:

  • Help more Veterans access their online claim information.
  • Build a blog following of more than 150,000 people across the country that told Veterans’ stories.
  • Inform millions of Veterans and their families about available services and resources.

To learn more about the VA’s journey to connecting with more Veterans across the country, check out the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Success Story.

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