Journey Genius: How data and AI are revolutionizing customer experience

There is no denying it — artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are everywhere. And we apply them in our daily lives, many of us without realizing it.

Do you use services like Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, Uber, or Google Maps? These services use AI/ML to leverage technology to benefit the people they serve and enhance the customer experience. It is time government did the same.

However, AI cannot change the customer experience on its own. It must be paired with robust data to have value and, in turn, that data unlocks valuable insights to inform AI and help make better decisions. Simply put, AI and data are inherently connected.

Learn more: Watch the presentation from the 2024 Government Experience, Engagement, and Enrollment Summit (GE3).

Colleagues showing a concept of connected technology through a data mesh of internal and external data.

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