
COVID-19 Email Highlight of the Week #2


There are two frontlines in the pandemic. One is fought by the nation’s brave health care workers. The other is a digital battle against misinformation fought by the nation’s public communicators. In this regular post, we share a notable public sector communication connecting public audiences to critical information. See last week’s highlighted email.

The highest performing coronavirus-related bulletins in govDelivery had an open rate of 68% and a click-through rate of 42% — according to the weekly email brief available to members of govCommunity. Coronavirus-related emails are still performing nearly 2x higher than normal when compared to the data in our latest Civic Engagement Benchmark Report.

Featured Email

This week we take a look at a top-performing bulletin sent by The City of Alameda, California. The email is part of the City’s weekly COVID-19 update. Sent shortly after the CDC recommended wearing facemasks when in public, the email supports that message by including regional guidance for covering the nose and mouth.

Screenshot of Alameda's weekly email

Alameda’s weekly COVID-19 update email.


This email succeeds because:

  • It uses bold text and headlines to break up information and facilitate scanning.
  • It includes links and phone numbers for various resources throughout.
  • A bright graphic reiterates the most important information.
A graphic in Alameda's email depicts options for appropriate facemasks. It states N95 masks are for health care workers only.

A graphic in Alameda’s email depicts appropriate face coverings.


Alameda’s email ends with a strong and engaging call to action in the form of another graphic. 

An illustrated graphic of the hand emoji encourages Alameda resident to clap at 7 each night.

Alameda ends its email with an illustrated call to action to increase community engagement.


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