
Build Advanced Bulletin Templates Easier with Sections Feature


Admins of govDelivery now have more ways to create and modify their Advanced Bulletin Templates. We’ve introduced new features to make bulletin templates much more responsive, visually appealing, and easier to modify with sections.

Sections are a new type of block for Advanced Bulletin templates that allow users with template builder permissions to add, move, and delete content block containers directly within a bulletin template.

Advanced Bulletin templates changes 1

Drag and drop section container blocks within your template.

Advanced Bulletin Editor templates 2

Add content to your sections as you would in a regular bulletin.

Custom templates with sections are a great solution for those desiring:

  • More responsive bulletins for mobile users
  • More default styling options to style templates even more quickly
  • A template that can be modified without leaving the template editor (no coding knowledge required!)

If you want to learn more about Sections and how to get started using this feature, check out our article Sections in Advanced Bulletin Template.

Other highlights of Advanced Bulletin Templates

Preview your templates in the Advanced Bulletin Templates

You can now preview your templates in the Advanced Bulletin Templates Builder.

Manage your section style in Advanced Bulletin Templates

In the “Themes” tab, section columns are now nested beneath their rows. Default background color and image are now set in Row Defaults.

More visually consistent image and content blocks in Advanced Bulletin Templates

Image + Text content blocks in the Advanced Bulletin Editor are now more visually consistent with sent Bulletins.

Images moved from one container to another are automatically resized in Advanced Bulletin Templates

Images moved from a wide to a narrow container are now automatically resized.

Link images to account files, anchors, and macros in Advanced Bulletin Templates

In addition to webpages, you can now link images to account files, anchors, and macros.

Have questions about Advanced Bulletin Templates? Our customer support team is always here to help, 24/7.

If you are interested in learning more about how govDelivery could help with your communications, please get in touch with us today.

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