Expert Discussion: Vaccine Distribution Communications

You have your initial COVID-19 vaccine supply, but do you have a strategy to ensure effective distribution? Communicators must develop and implement multi-faceted plans that build trust in the vaccine, create awareness around distribution plans, and educate eligible vaccine recipients about when and where to make an appointment 

Watch on-demand to learn how Danielle Kenneweg, Director of Health Promotions and Health Education for the State of Washington, leveraged the department’s communication planning approach and tools, including Granicus govDelivery, to support successful vaccination efforts. 

Download and tune-in for an intimate roundtable discussion hosted by Patrick Moore, former state CIO of Georgia. During this discussion, we explored the challenges Danielle faced in developing a communications plan for vaccines, the best practices she implemented, and the challenges she anticipates in the weeks and months ahead.

Learn more about Granicus’ Vaccine Communications Toolkit, a comprehensive guide that enables government communicators to reach more of their residents with accurate, impactful messaging in support of vaccine distribution. 


Duration: 30 min

Available On-Demand


Featured Speaker:

Danielle (Danny) Kenneweg is the Health Promotion and Education Director in the Center for Public Affairs at the Washington State Department of Health (DOH).  She oversees a team of managers and health educators who consult with and support staff and programs across the agency. The team focuses on using best practices for health promotion and health education no matter the topic or issue.  She and her team use multiple communication and outreach channels to reach the identified audiences. She has managed public health staff working in health promotion and communication for over 13 years. Prior to this position, Danny was the Strategic Communications Director at DOH. She also worked in comprehensive cancer control for three years in two states, and for CDC as a regional public health advisor to seven state and tribal programs. She holds a BS degree from North Dakota State University in Home Economics Education and a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of North Dakota with a certificate in Health Administration.  Danny is also a Certified Health Education Specialist.


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