
Tips for Finding Common Ground When Legal and Records Disagree

Speakers: Cindi Mansell

We’ve all been there: a request for records comes in and relevant staff are notified. Staff members gather the records and turn them over to legal for review and/or redactions. The team has a good understanding about the records they typically work with, and are familiar with what can and cannot be released (as well as who each type of records can be released to).

But what if the rules that you thought you knew suddenly changed because of questions from the legal department, the materials requested, or the requestor? How do you effectively communicate with others in your organization when everyone is not in alignment? What’s the most effective way to find common ground and fulfill the request?

In this 30-minute webinar, veteran records manager Cindi Mansell will provide tips for:

  • Establishing open communication between records and legal
  • How to respectfully disagree
  • Educating legal on the process involved in searching for records
  • And more!

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