
Our top 10 blog posts from 2014

7 + billion messages sent, 52 new customers, 15 domestic and international events, and a major redesign on our core platform all add up to a very busy 2014 at Granicus! We joined forces with many new clients across the U.S. and Europe to deliver better communications and improve citizen interactions, and we even acquired a new company, NuCivic, to expand on our commitment to better serve government and the public.

One of the best parts of ringing in the New Year is reminiscing over some of the milestones from government technology over the past year. One of the ways we do this is by taking a look at some of the most read posts and topics thousands of government communicators read on our blog to stay attuned to the latest trends and resources in digital government.

So as we welcome in the New Year, here’s a look back at our top 10 most visited blog posts from 2014.

  1. When Social Media Gets Ugly 
  2. The Most Important Update Trending on Public Sector Websites
  3. Answering Your Questions on Citizen Engagement (Part 1
  4. Writing for Short Attention Spans
  5. Email Wins Again
  6. We Need an Exit Strategy for Facebook
  7. Facebook is Changing Its Game – Will You Change Yours?
  8. Launching a Mobile App in Government (Part 1)
  9. Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Facebook?
  10. Top 7 Email Metrics You Should be Measuring

Did we miss something? Is there a topic you’d like to hear more about in 2015? Let us know in the comments!

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