
GovDelivery’s 8th Annual Federal Communications Summit

GovDelivery’s 8th Annual Federal Communications Summit is just around the corner. fedcomm14_200x200

On Oct. 14 at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, D.C., hundreds of government communicators and technologists will gather to exchange ideas, network, and learn how Federal agency employees can leverage the power of data for positive, influential change for the communities they serve. And we couldn’t be more excited to share the latest details with you!

World renowned data artist and big data proponent Jer Thorp will be the opening keynote speaker at the summit. Through his extremely compelling data visualization projects, from graphing an entire year’s news cycle, to mapping the way people share articles across the internet, to the 9/11 Memorial in Manhattan, Thorp will demonstrate the power of humanizing the influx of information surrounding us. Thorp teaches audiences how adding meaning and narrative to huge amounts of data can help people take control of the information around them, and revolutionize the way they use data.

 Also speaking at this year’s event is author and technological optimist, Abhi Nemani. Most recently, Nemani was appointed as the City of Los Angeles’ first Chief Data Officer. Previously, Nemani helped build the national non-profit Code for America (CfA), a technology organization dedicated to reinventing government for the 21st century. Nemani’s work at CfA has been featured in the New York Times, Government Technology and Forbes, and he has been featured as a speaker at SxSW, the World Bank, and various universities and conferences around the world.

At the summit, Abhi will share how government organizations can better approach data practices to build insights that generate results. From open data to Gov 2.0, Abhi will cover some of the most important data and technology innovations that can help any government organization looking to get more out of their data.

More than 500 government employees and contractors have already registered for this year’s conference. If you’re interested in joining us in D.C. too, register on the event website.

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