
Factoring the “Power of Reach” into your Public Sector Communications


The Port of Tacoma was looking for a digital communications solution to deliver relevant information to its stakeholders, and increase the number of those stakeholders that it was able to quickly and easily reach. Using GovDelivery, the Port of Tacoma overcame challenges in deliverability, automation and integration with internal systems. The GovDelivery Communications Cloud is now a critical part of the port’s activities to help reach more people, and in turn, drive business for the organization. “As our port continues to grow, we look to GovDelivery to help us drive our business and engage with the public,” Megan Anderson, Communications Specialist at Port of Tacoma said. Today, the Port of Tacoma has grown its outreach to more than 15,000 people to whom they have sent over 614,000 messages.

The Port of Tacoma is one example of many organizations in state and local government that are increasing their number of stakeholder connections, and consequently, accomplishing specific organizational mission goals (like driving new revenue and business development).

At our 2014 Digital Communications Tour, which stops at five cities across the country this spring, you’ll have the opportunity to hear more stories from other government communicators talking to the “Power of Reach.” Have you ever wondered how reaching 10X as many people could amplify your organizational goals? Do you know how to connect with more people using everyday digital communication tactics? How can your organization compel more of your stakeholders to take action and engage with your organization as a result of your communications?

Hear from public sector experts and private sector thought leaders as they answer those questions with trends, tips and tricks that you can implement immediately.

Find a stop near you in the list below and register for this free event to learn more about what you can do to apply the “Power of Reach” to your organization’s digital communications.


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