Success stories

The City of Houston Does More with Less

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The support of streaming and hosting video on the city’s network was overwhelming for the city to facilitate. For the type of streaming video project additional employees would have been needed to maintain the estimated level of traffic.

The city’s focus, delegated to HTV, is to provide programming to residents through the PEG channel and other television outlets.

“My staff is busy producing content and broadcasting meetings; being responsible to maintain a streaming video system would affect their everyday duties.”


By utilizing Swagit’s Extensible Automated Streaming Engine (EASE™), the City of Houston offloaded all storage and streaming tasks to Swagit – causing no internal strain on their internal or external networks. Swagit provides monitoring, response and ongoing 24/7 technical support which allows HTV to rely on Swagit’s support team.


The relationship between the City of Houston and Swagit makes business sense for both parties. The City has to be flexible in what they provide to their community; given their diversity, tourism and economy. In choosing Swagit as their streaming vendor, Houston in turn employs a company that is flexible in providing customized video streaming solutions that are tailor-made for their city, and can change to effectively communicate to the public.

Houston’s programming can be viewed on the City’s municipal channel or from any device that is connected to the internet.

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