
Writing Effective Communications to Increase Engagement

Hear from our experts at the Granicus Experience Group to level up your communication game.

Governments at all levels sent more than 17 billion messages last year, many aimed at sharing critical information with the people they serve. But with so much communication going out, many have wondered: what makes email and newsletters effective?

Effective communication can make all the difference. For example, the NY State Dept of Labor used email and SMS to help 600K New Yorkers file for unemployment during the pandemic. Our speakers will provide insights on how to draft effective emails and newsletters that prioritize information most relevant to the recipient.
In this webinar we will talk about:

  • Clear concise language
  • Ordering your newsletter
  • Dos and Don’ts with links
  • Subject lines that catch attention
  • Understanding your audience
  • Contextualizing your messaging

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