
Best Practices for Effectively Communicating with Requesters

The art of communication is key to public records request management. According to a recent Microsoft study, approximately one in three people say the most important aspect of customer service is speaking with a knowledgeable and friendly agency representative. Clerks and records managers are often the first, and sometimes only, personnel within an agency that community members interact with. Ensuring that this is a positive experience is important to building community trust. 

Knowing your business and being able to communicate effectively with your requesters is also an essential component to a successful records request program. Working with — not for or against, — your requesters is a critical element to ensuring that your agency’s FOIA process is working. 

In this short but impactful 15-minute webinar, veteran records manager Cindi Mansell will cover: 

  • Best practices for efficiently guiding public records request traffic  
  • Why understanding your FOIA response requirements is critical to successful two-way communication 
  • How communication with your customers can build loyalty and trust  

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