
The 7 Ingredients of a Great Online Public Consultation

Hear strategies from our experts on online public communications.

Once a new project comes along, it’s important to collect feedback from the community to influence how the final project turns out. But, how? In this webinar, we will walk through specific strategies and tactics to gather community sentiment online. We will talk through getting community members to your online engagement site, what feedback tools to use, and best practices to show your residents the impact of their participation.

Key takeaways:

  • Setting out the scope of your consultation.
  • How do we try to involve the right people in our consultation?
  • What methods will encourage meaningful engagement? #NotAnotherSurvey
  • What kind of content helps people to give proposals intelligent consideration?
  • How do we ask the right questions to get meaningful responses?
  • How do we factor adequate time into an online consultation?
  • The importance of closing the loop and feeding back to participants.

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