Pre-Ordinance Tips for a Successful Short-Term Rental Compliance Program

So, like many municipalities, you have a significant number of short-term rentals but don’t have dedicated short-term rental regulations yet. Feeling shut out? Let Granicus help! While regulations aren’t created overnight, there are steps you can take today to help your community move towards an effective STR compliance program. Whether your regulations are right around the corner or you’ve just started thinking about short-term rentals, you don’t have to wait to get a better understanding of your STR market, involve stakeholders across departments, and engage residents. These tips will help you ensure your compliance program addresses the unique needs of your community and makes STRs work for everyone. Join us on-demand to learn how you can set yourself up for future success.

Event Summary

Topic: Pre-Ordinance Tips for a Successful Short-Term Rental Compliance Program
Location: On-Demand

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