Lights Off, Gov On

When 5 p.m. hits, City Hall is closed. Can your residents still apply for open committee seats, sign up for services, and receive critical information after hours if your digital presence is subpar? 

Most of your residents have day jobs just like you. Some might be onsite for over eight hours each day, unable to leave their desk to drop off a license renewal form. Others might have labor intensive jobs that offer little chance to stop by City Hall during a lunch break to sign up for an event. And for delivery drivers or ride share operators there often isn’t enough time to make a stop at City Hall to drop off an application. 

How can these residents interact with you when their workday is done, but your doors are closed? Just because you’re done for the day – doesn’t mean your residents are no longer looking to connect with you. 

Download now to discover how to: 

  • Offer services digitally on any device at any time. 
  • Build a next-gen digital city hall with all the information and services your residents are searching for in one central place. 
  • Proactively share critical information with your residents via email and SMS. 
  • Reduce calls and walk-ins while increasing transparency. 

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