Imagine the Possibilities: How Your Recovery Funds Can Finance Impactful Digital Government Initiatives

The American Rescue Plan’s $350 billion in Coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds offer a massive opportunity for states and local governments to implement much needed improvements to the services they deliver to their residents and to modernize the ways they communicate with the public. In fact, as an unprecedented level of stimulus funds begin to flow, it may be hard for your government to decide exactly how to spend its allocation.  

Join Granicus, the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA), and special guests from the Grants Office to imagine the possibilities! In this webinar, we will cover the broad basics of these funds, its eligible expenses, and we’ll explore some of the specific approved scenarios these funds can be utilized for provided by the Treasury Department. In doing so, we will discuss how you can align your Granicus­-friendly project to fit into a wide array of applicable categories, such as (but certainly not limited to) public health communication, social services, and a host of other government services. We will also cover the best practices for putting together a stimulus proposal that will support your digital government initiatives.

If you need help figuring out the smartest ways to use American Rescue Plan funding for resident engagement initiatives and to improve the delivery of government services, you won’t want to miss this event!

Featured Speaker:

Chris Barnes - Grants Office
Chris Barnes is a Grants Development Consultant for Grants Office and manages the state and local government team. He supports state and local government agencies, along with libraries, museums, arts organizations, workforce training entities, and other human service groups to help them find and pursue grant opportunities. Chris also has experience as a granter writer who has written both federal and foundation grants for an art non-profit.

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