How Governments are Leveraging CARES Act Funding to Transform Service Delivery in the Wake of COVID-19

CARES Act funding has started flowing to state and local governments, and municipalities are working out how best to leverage this funding to address a wide range of needs. The Center for Digital Government recently conducted a survey of government technology leaders to better understand their technology priorities and planned use of CARES Act funding to support those priorities.

Watch now to hear the results of that study, what it revealed about which CARES Act funds government leaders intend to use for technology initiatives, and the hurdles they face in procuring technology with those funds.

Other key learnings include:

  • How the emergency nature of CARES Act and additional stimulus funding is forcing government leaders to make decisions about how to allocate these funds quickly
  • How funds are being distributed across states, strategies for accessing funding opportunities, and examples of governments transforming service delivery in the wake of COVID-19


Sherrie Johnson – Director of Communication for Prince William County, Woodbridge, Virginia
Joe Morris – Vice President of Research, e.Republic

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