Develop a Human-Centered, Data-Driven Communications Strategy

COVID-19 has accelerated government’s need to more effectively reach, serve and respond to the needs and interests of the always-on, always-connected public. With accelerated digital transformation underway, and an unprecedented rise in demand for trustworthy information, government communicators need a sound strategy to guide their efforts in the months ahead.

Leading organizations prioritize understanding customer needs and pain points as they work to lay the foundations for high-performing experiences and programs that can become increasingly personalized and automated over time.

Join us on-demand to learn how to build a communications strategy that drives better outcomes, performance, and results using civic engagement technology that’s built to help governments transform their websites, outbound communications, and digital forms/services into a scalable, measurable, and secure digital foundation. We’ll also look at common challenges including how to:

  • Break down departmental silos and bring together key stakeholders
  • Continue digital and organizational transformation progress year-over-year
  • Eliminate customer pain points
  • Show measurable progress against your agency’s mission

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