India team
India team
India team
Granicus office
India team during the holidays
Granicus In India

Help Create a More Connected World

A world-class innovation and engineering centre in India to power our mission of transforming how citizens engage with government.

Job Openings
Valued-based engineering culture

Work closely with global counterparts to fully understand customer and business needs.

We believe that an open line of communication and transparency is key in running our business.

Our strength comes from embracing diversity and fostering a culture of shared ideas.

Each identity fosters the innovation and creativity we need to move our business forward.

We provide an environment of continuous learning – inside and outside the office.

Federal-grade security and compliance standards, like NIST and FedRAMP.

Leverage your skills as a technologist to build flexible and extendable solutions.

Make contributions to technology that truly makes a difference in the world.

Our customers are the center of everything that we do. When our customers succeed, we succeed.

We work fast but smart in a dynamic environment that is continuously adapting and innovating.

Mridul is dynamic leader with proven expertise in design and development focusing on high scalability, availability, and extensibility. He has extensive experience in setting-up motivated, result oriented, technology teams from ground zero.
Mridul Sarkar
Director of Engineering
Mridul Sarkar
Ranga has 30+ years of work experience driving product innovation, building world-class engineering teams, transforming engineering processes and developing leadership talent in USA and India.
Ranga Shetty
General Manager
Ranga Shetty
Lalita is a talent acquisition/talent management leader with a passion for scaling diverse and inclusive teams with 15+ years of experience.
Lalita Raman
Lalita Raman
Shradha is seasoned, integrity-driven, HR professional who is always learning. She strives to incorporate creativity while maintaining a blend of pace and quality in delivering results. Her expertise is in identifying elite engineering talent to scale up teams.
Shradha Patnaik
Shradha Patnaik

World-Class Innovation and Engineering

Grow Granicus Engineering's product development swiftly.
Build a top-tier engineering hub for talented hires.
Establish a scalable base, enhancing efficiency.
Provide exceptional software to Granicus clients.

A world-class innovation and engineering centre in India to power our mission of transforming how citizens engage with government. Our growth plans are ambitious.

Team Members
Our team is growing rapidly with over 1,000 team members across the globe.
Government Customers
Granicus supports the missions of over 6,000 government customers.
Citizens in the Network
Network participation to rapidly increase targeted audiences.
Emails Sent Per Year
Confidence in deliverability and secure email messages.
Subscribers added Every Day
Convert website traffic into new subscribers, every day.

Open Positions



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