
What the Super Bowl Tells Us about Government Communications

I’m one of those people who watch the Super Bowl for the ads. And I’m not alone. In a survey released by USA Today, 78% of Americans look forward to the Super Bowl commercials more than the game. And who can blame us? Super Bowl ads over the years have been iconic. Contently wrote an article about some of the best of the best when it comes to commercials over the years: Apple’s 1984 spot, Tide’s Miracle Stain ad, and the countless beer commercials that manage to paint mega breweries in a way that tugs at your heartstrings. American Football on Field

All of these ads have one thing in common, and it’s one of the main reasons Super Bowl ads are so wildly popular, they’re telling a story. The ads are using storytelling to connect all kinds of good, heart melting emotions to their brand.

This is a concept that would not only immensely benefit public sector organization’s communications, but is also easier for government organizations to attain. Why? Because your mission is more closely connected to the type of powerful work that strengthens the relationship with your audience. The Budweiser Clydesdales have little to do with the day-to-day operations of Anheuser-Busch, they are simply an advertising theme that helps them connect happy thoughts with their beers.

On the other hand, in the public sector, the people you keep safe, healthy, happy, and so on are directly tied to what you do every single day. Your organization works for “the people,” which means you are in a fantastic position. By connecting your communications to the actions you do to help improve citizens’ lives, you have the making of a great story that can have a greater effect on your audience than even a cute dog in a beer commercial.

So use your mission to tell your organization’s story in an impactful way.  Grow the value of your organization’s communications by delivering a message that will help strengthen the attachment recipients have to what your organization does. As government communicators, you have a unique opportunity to put a face to your organization’s brand and further drive mission value, so don’t forget to take advantage of it!

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