
What is a CRM? Local Government CRM Basics


For the business sector, CRM refers to a customer relationship management system. For government agencies, the solution is referred to as a constituent relationship management system, notice at the center of both phrases is the word “relationship.”

Businesses recognize the importance for building and maintain relationships with customers, and the case is no different for the public sector and their constituents. As a government leader, the ultimate goal is to build relationships with the residents who live in the community. Though meeting all constituents in a municipality and understanding their needs is not always pheasable, a constituent relationship manager makes it easier to form meaningful connections with residents in a centralized platform.

A significant function of a government CRM serves as a place where residents can submit public service requests (pothole repair requests, trash and recycling, graffiti, etc.) and receive updates from staff until resolution. Traditionally, these service requests found their homes within 311 call centers, where residents call in their public service requests and staff would then pass them along to the corresponding departments. The traditional method can create roadblocks for agencies like increased phone time, in-person foot traffic, and administrative burden.


With platforms like government CRMs, city staff can automate workflows to resolve public service request tasks, saving time and money. The robust solution better supports 311 initiatives and public sector initiatives. What’s even more, is that with the solution, governments have a unified place to capture and track interactions between local government and their constituents. The interactions tracked better supply government agencies with real time insights into who their residents are, their concerns, actions and behaviors. These insights can help agencies drive powerful decision-making and outcomes.

Further, government CRMs help empower and encourage residents to engage with local government services and information in a familiar platform. With brandable mobile app integrations, residents can access information about services and community topics they care about.

Putting it altogether, here is a list of government CRM key benefits:

  • Centralized hub where residents can submit public service requests (pothole repair requests, illegal dumping, graffiti, etc.)
  • Offering updates to residents along the way until the service request is resloved
  • Automating workflows for city staff to complete requests more efficiently
  • Serving as a platform where interactions between residents and their governments can be tracked.
  • Driving data-driven decisions by tracking residents thoughts, behaviors, and actions
  • Encouraging residents to engage with local government services and information on familiar devices

So that’s a little about the positive impacts government CRMs can have for the public sector. See how peers like City of Cranbrook, BC are using government CRMs to empower their residents and staff, improve customer service, and add internal efficiencies.


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