
The human impact of data

Data is a four-letter word that has great power in its potential to unlock significant value for government communities. By applying advanced analytics to proprietary knowledge, government agencies are harnessing the power of information to make things better for everyone.

Open data is accessible public data that people, companies, and organizations can use to launch new ventures, analyze patterns and trends, make data-driven decisions, and solve complex problems. Open data can be an instrument for breaking down information gaps to share best practices and raise productivity. It propels innovation and helps organizations replace traditional and intuitive decision-making approaches with data-driven ones.

Today we’re accessing, storing, and analyzing more data than ever before, and that information enables organizations to take action while information is still relevant. Data has a human impact. It can help improve processes that, for example, help more foster children find families, and ultimately improve people’s lives.

How does opening up data and giving people better access to information help them be an advocate for you so others will take action? That’s what we covered at GovDelivery’s 8th Annual Federal Communications Summit in Washington D.C. where we hosted one of the largest gatherings of federal communicators in the country. If you’re looking to uncover the mystery of how your agency can harness data to influence change, stay tuned for event recaps that cover sessions with some of the brightest pioneering minds in big and open data.

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