
The Complete Workbook for Digital Government


In the last decade, the transformation of digital government is bringing the public sector closer to citizens than ever. By steadily integrating new tools into everyday interactions – from social media to online transactions – government has reached new levels of engagement.

Despite this, many organizations have yet to implement a strategy for using technology to spur open, engaging and innovative public sector environments—the foundation of a modern digital government.

Indeed, modern digital government is primarily built upon three principles:

  • The transformation to digital government is citizen-led
  • Shifting to digital increases efficiency and reduces costs
  • Modern government practices lead to increased transparency

Granicus’ mission is to empower modern digital government, so last week we released our 2018 Strategic Workbook for Modern Gov. This piece consists of four parts, walking you through and encouraging you to participate in:

  1. An assessment of your agency’s strengths and weaknesses in digitalization and modernization. This includes examining the people on your team, the processes that you currently follow and the technology you’re using.
  2. The building of citizen journey maps, which allow you to enhance the citizen experience from beginning to end. This is accomplished by finding ways to trigger a need, understand the need, provide the citizen with options and encourage them to act. When you understand the citizen journey, you can begin to build personas that citizens fit into. Each of these personas will likely have their own journey map.
  3. Executing a strategy that takes full advantage of people, process and technology trifecta that you identified in the digital assessment. This section also offers resources and tools you can use to augment any weak spots.
  4. Measuring the success of your actions to ensure that any strategy is working effectively.

Are you ready to complete the Strategic Workbook for Modern Gov? We encourage you to fill it out by downloading it here. If you’d like to fill it out with assistance from an expert in modern digital government, someone at Granicus would be happy to help. Just reach out to us at

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