
Public Service Communications Excellence Awards: Congratulations to GovDelivery Clients!

Award CupA company is only as good as the work of its clients, and we couldn’t be more impressed with the amazing work our GovDelivery clients have done over the past year. Public sector organisations are harnessing the power of digital communications and using it to engage their stakeholders in innovative, highly effective ways like never before. As technology has advanced, government agencies have adapted along with it, despite increasingly tightened budgets and higher demands for efficiency. Though the end goal of these agencies’ hard work is a better informed citizen base and, ultimately, a better quality of life for the communities they serve; a little recognition for this hugely important work goes a long way.

The first joint Public Service Communications Excellence Awards are meant to achieve just that purpose. The awards, which “reward innovation and creativity in public sector campaigns”, were created as a joint award from the Government Communication Service, LG Communications, FirePRO and Association of Police Communicators in partnership with the Guardian Public Leaders network. Nominees were announced by the Cabinet Office earlier this month. Among the shortlist were five GovDelivery clients, whose campaigns “demonstrate excellence in their field, regardless of budget, discipline, or channel”.

We’re thrilled to highlight the five GovDelivery clients that were nominated for the award:

  • The Department for International Development (DFID) Press Office for their media handling of Typhoon Haiyan
  • The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) for their Break the Silence campaign to raise awareness of male rape
  • The National Audit Office (NAO) for their work on NAO2014, a campaign to rebuild engagement following business
  • Public Health England for their Be Clear on Cancer campaign
  • And the overall platinum winner of the night, the Nottingham City Council for their Apprenticeship Hub campaign. According to the Government Communication Service, “judges felt the campaign was almost a textbook application of the OASIS model from SMART objectives to evaluation. A small but effective campaign that delivered real outcomes and life enhancing opportunities”.

Award winners were announced last week at the Comms Academy 2014 event held in Manchester, where GovDelivery Europe’s Dave Worsell also presented a session. Our biggest congratulations to our GovDelivery clients, the other nominees, and the overall award winner, Nottingham City Council!

To read more about the awards and for a full list of nominees and winners, check out this recap from the Government Communication Service.

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