
New Research Shows Top 3 Ways for Improving Communications in U.K. Government Organisations

In 2014, around 100 U.K. government communication professionals were surveyed to determine the most important trends driving public sector communication with the public and stakeholders. GovDelivery published the results in an e-book, the UK Trends E-book. Here are some of the findings. trends-uk

Naturally, there were varied responses to our survey; however, communicators tended to share the top three trends overall:

  1. Focus on Results
  2. Implement a Multichannel Strategy
  3. Increase Outreach

Focus On Results

The goal of many government communicators is to broadcast their organisation’s mission so that more people become involved in their programs.

According to the survey results, 43% of respondents said that increasing stakeholder engagement was one of the top objectives for communications planning. When an organisation communicates its goals, it puts the public at the center of a communications strategy, allowing the public to take action on the messages they receive.

Over time, communicators can measure results with engagement rates, web traffic, subscriber rates, and social media shares or follows.

Implement a Multichannel Strategy

While email still stands out as the most effective channel of communication, a multi-faceted communications strategy is preferred by many communicators.

With a multichannel communications approach, different segments of the public are more likely to be reached. Again, with the recent surge in the use of smart phones, tablets, and other smart technologies, if you want to reach people with a message, you need to send it to them through the appropriate channels.

Increase Outreach

It seems fairly obvious that to be successful in any organisation you must be able to increase your audience size. Building on that, organisations must also engage that audience to create a participatory interaction.

In our recent survey, 78% of professionals said that increased outreach was of utmost importance. A popular and proven way of gaining more subscribers is the cross-promotion across the network of public sector entities. Collaboration opens up each organisation to a wider audience.

The GovDelivery Network gives government organisations the chance to connect with other public sector entities, meaning network partners can reach a wider audience by connecting with over 60 Local and Central government entities affiliated with the GovDelivery Network.

Download the Full UK Trends E-book

These 2014 public sector trends show how important taking multiple communication approaches is for any organisation. By emphasizing results, implementing a multichannel strategy, and increasing outreach, government communicators are able to expand beyond the current limitations of their organisations and make a difference with their messages.

Take a look at our UK Trends E-book to learn more about these trends in greater depth.

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