
Memorial Day Updates from the Public Sector

Today we remember those who died in service to their country. Government organizations across the U.S. are communicating with the public to honor America’s wartime veterans. Here are some of the organizations sending out information or events around Memorial Day. View some of the messages they’ve sent in the past during this time and sign up to receive their latest updates.

U.S. Census Bureau sent out a new “How Do We Know?” infographic, “Memorial Day: Honoring America’s Wartime Veterans” using results from the 2011 American Community Survey to profile today’s living veterans by the wartime periods in which they served. If your organization has data around particular areas or demographics, you could create similar infographics and campaigns to connect with the public. See the full infographic and sign up for updates from the Census Bureau.

2014-05-20 13_56_54-Memorial Day Infographic - U.S. Census Bureau

Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs and many other state departments of Veterans Affairs send out updates on local Memorial Day Events. Visit your state’s VA website to see if they have email sign-up links as well. See the full example or sign up for updates from Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs.

2014-05-20 13_59_18-Memorial Day Events in Minnesota

U.S. Department of Defense sends many different messages on how the agency is observing Memorial Day across the military. See the full example or sign up for updates from U.S. Department of Defense.

2014-05-20 13_55_07-Memorial Day Observance-DOD

Veterans Health Administration sends email messages in remembrance of Memorial Day as well. See the full example or sign up for updates from Veterans Health Administration.

2014-05-20 14_07_19-Memorial Day 2013

Have you sent or received a Memorial Day message worth sharing? Post a link in the comments below.

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