
Marketing Automation To Engage Every Member of Your Audience: Pre-built Digital Campaigns

Have you heard we launched a new package of marketing capabilities, the Advanced Package for the Communications Cloud?

Communication is at the heart of customer service – and the best communicators understand a customer’s needs and the role digital communication plays to provide service delivery to meet those needs. That’s why today’s most effective government communicators are leveraging marketing automation to strategically deliver the best service to the broadest audience.

Marketing automation offers a time saving, easy way to deliver customer-centric communications to your audience based on where they are in their customer lifecycle. By automating a series of messages to audiences segmented by interest, location or engagement activity, organizations can make a significant impact on campaign effectiveness and corresponding key objectives.

Enter pre-built digital campaigns, a capability in the Advanced Package for the Communications Cloud. Pre-built campaigns allow you to share your organization’s brand story, mission, programs, and resources in an efficient manner, with scale and agility. They’re user friendly and intuitive to communicators at any level.

Pre-built campaigns allow you to better scale your efforts through templates and pre-built functions. With campaigns, everything is set up for you, no need to add manpower or extra resources.

Here are a few ways organizations can leverage pre-built campaigns in the Advanced Package for the Communications Cloud:

  • Onboard new audiences: New subscribers are the ripest for interaction – and pre-built onboarding campaigns help organizations simply & easily maximize first impressions. Our automated series of welcome messages offer a standardized approach to introducing an organization’s brand and resources to new subscribers. Instead of throwing new members of your audience into the drumbeat of communications, each onboarding message can slowly introduce them to your organization, set expectations, and make a great first impression.
  • Better serve existing audiences: On average, most organizations are only communicating with 60% of their digital audience on a regular basis. Re-engagement campaigns provide automated touch points for every member of your audience, regardless of whether they’ve received a communication. Provide a broader range of service by offering something for everyone.
  • Cross-promote programs and services: Expert communicators want to get the most out of each subscriber and actively market content to them that may be interesting to them (or market content that is a priority for their agency). Through pre-built campaigns, tap into existing audiences to cross-promote relevant or new programs and services, driving more awareness and engagement from existing subscribers.
  • Re-engage inactive audiences: There are a million reasons why people don’t open or click an email, but organizations can help drive increased message engagement through pre-built re-engagement campaigns. Nudge sleepy subscribers who haven’t engaged within a specific time period to drive the opens and clicks you need, while re-activating your relationship.

With pre-built campaigns, government organizations have greater access to their customers, while reaching new audiences through improved communications.

Marketing automation, campaigns, and audience segmentation are all part of an integrated mix of techniques used by today’s top public sector communicators.

If you are stuck in a rut communicating through traditional outreach and seeing no improvement in customer engagement, now is the time to consider the Advanced Package for the Communications Cloud. Our cloud-based solution provides real-time functionality and user adoption across internal teams, all while being secure enough to be used exclusively by the government.

Become a habit changer, and understand that the communication teams with the highest return on investment are those who relay messages where and when customers want it – through automated, data-driven messaging.

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