
Honoring Granicus Colleagues and Loved Ones Who Serve


Service and sacrifice come in many forms.

In honor of Veterans Day, we’re recognizing Granicus colleagues and their loved ones who have and continue to serve their country, community, family, and colleagues. We asked them to share in their own words what service means to them, and we received heartfelt words from Granicus colleagues whose loved ones have served or made sacrifices to support those serving.

As a global company, we sought to elevate the contributions from colleagues and their families around the world. Here are their stories.

Granicus Veterans

Nathan Nins
Manager of Integration Services, Granicus
Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, Minnesota Army National Guard
Duty station: Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii
Deployments: Afghanistan, the Philippines, and sea service aboard the USS Essex – 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit

“I grew up in a community where we talked about values like, “it takes a village to raise a child,” and used words like “Umoja” (unity). So, joining the military was (among other reasons) my way of serving or giving of myself to people I’d never known. What I grew to realize during my time in the military was the values instilled in me as a child extended far beyond how I imagined they did, and the village and unity I conceived of was much larger than those 60 some-odd square miles of the city where I was born and raised.

I learned to expand the ways I could connect with others, becoming more concerned with recognizing everyone’s humanity and serving for everyone’s benefit. I keep these values with me and apply them every day through my personal interactions, volunteer activities, as well as my work at Granicus. Granicus’ mission allows me to take pride in the fact that my work serves not just people like me and communities like mine, but people and communities all over the globe.”

Samantha Dueñas
Global Benefits Analyst, Granicus
Senior Airman, U.S. Air Force

“I take a lot of pride in my service and those whom I have served. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to have this experience and to give back to the community and the USA — a country that has done so much for me and my family.”

Rachel Keen
Sr. Director, Digital Services Implementation, Granicus
Staff Sargeant, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Air Force Reserves

“Rachel has had a heart for serving from an early age. She served her country on active duty in the U.S. Air Force, and then again in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. Her time in the service came to a close a while ago, but she continues to serve today as a loving and supportive veteran spouse to her husband who is still in the service today.” — Jeanette Tate, Implementation Process Advisor

Veteran Spouses & Family Members

Jeremy Costello (spouse)
Major, Australian Army
Deployments: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and Afghanistan
Submitted by: Miro Laffan, Implementation Consultant, Granicus

“Jeremy is a helicopter pilot in the Australian Army Aviation Corps. He has been in the Army for the last 16 years and has had many great experiences, including working with the United Nations, supporting an election in PNG, assisting the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, and responding to numerous natural disasters.

His career has afforded us the opportunity to live in lots of great locations across Australia (I continue to request an international posting, but he hasn’t delivered yet). Although it brings many frustrations and challenges, he loves his job, so this is my small recognition of his passion for, and commitment to, the Australian Defense Force.”

Dharmapal V Kunder (father)
Veteran, Indian Air Force
Submitted by: Saritha Kunder, Human Resources, Granicus, India

“My dad served the Indian Airforce as a corporal and was part of the India-China war in 1962 and the massive India-Pakistan war in 1971. This was the year my older brother was born, and we remember the story of how my mother covered her six-month-old baby in her arms and along with the rest of the families, the ladies were all put together inside a long trench as there were bombs flying into the airbase. They held on to their babies and children and told each other, ‘If we live, we all will see each other tomorrow or die tonight as one family.

As children, our bedtime stories were all about the Indian Airforce and dad’s experiences. We still treasure his stars and souvenirs. The value and loyalty that my dad had toward his nation comes from his father and grandparents who were freedom fighters and have gone through the freedom struggle during the British rule. They also experienced the day when India got Independence. Today, our hero is our baby, fighting the last stages of Alzheimer’s. He has forgotten his generous smile, and his memory lasts less than two minutes. All he remembers is the names of his children. We stay strongly united by the values our parents have raised us with and lovingly care for our baby daddy.”

Gus Pappas (father)
Purple Heart recipient and Corpsman, U.S. Navy
Purple Heart recipient, U.S. Navy Corpsman, Vietnam War veteran, Ret. Chief FDNY, EMS
Submitted by: Lee Pappas, Digital Services Manager, Granicus

“After serving as a medic in Vietnam, my dad came home to be part of the first class of NYS EMS (NY Emergency Medical Service as the 7th paramedic certified within NYS. He served within EMS his entire career spanning over 40 years, where he retired as a two-star Chief. His life has been spent as a civil servant, as he was not only a volunteer firefighter for over 35 years but created and deployed the first immediate response medical unit within the East Meadow Fire Department. He provided first aid and safety training, certified doctors in CPR, and did all this while raising and supporting three children and loving his wife.

When asked how many lives he saved between Vietnam and serving as a firefighter, he told me, “I have had more lost in my arms than saved” to which always stays with me as it is that level of service that a true patriot and citizen should exemplify.”

Corbin and Savannah Tate (children)
Children of Jeanette Tate and SMSgt Justin Tate, U.S. Aire Force Reserves (Retired)
Submitted by: Jeanette Tate, Implementation Process Advisor, Granicus

“Corbin and Savannah’s father, Justin Tate, retired from the U.S. Air Force Reserves earlier this year with over 22 years of service. Over the years the kids have sacrificed a lot of time with their dad on drill weekends and when he had to be gone for various TDYs and deployments.

Though they missed him at birthday celebrations, school functions, soccer games, holidays, and more, Corbin and Savannah understood why dad was gone and busy so often and have always proudly supported him. They’re his biggest fans!”

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