
Granicus Releases Free Website Tools to Help Agencies Combat COVID-19 Misinformation


At Granicus, each one of our employees stands behind our local, state, and federal government leaders during this public health crisis as you fight this battle from the front lines. We are incredibly pleased to lend our support, our hearts, and our technology solutions to this battle.

In an effort to combat the dangerous spread of inaccurate information, deliberate campaigns to mislead, and, in some cases, malicious attempts to draw our citizens and residents into hacking attempts — often found in social media and other channels — we are providing government agencies a dedicated channel of truth to share with their visitors, residents, and citizens.

We are providing government agencies a dedicated channel of truth to share with their visitors, residents, and citizens.

 As the trusted platform for delivering 100% government-created content to over 4,500 local, state, and federal agencies, Granicus is in the wonderful position to help. Since the COVID-19 crisis began, we have focused our attention on developing technology solutions that aggregate, curate, and present email bulletins and content from our nation’s most-trusted government sources so that our citizens have direct access to accurate, timely, regional, and relevant information they desperately need to guide their decisions and behavior.

On behalf of all of the employees of Granicus, we would like to share these tools and capabilities widely throughout our government agency community — free of charge — so that we may, in this incredible time of national unity, do what we have always done together: utilize great technology to care for our communities.

About the COVID-19 Website Tools

Details on the first tool we launched, called COVID govNewsSignup, are below. Stay tuned as we expect to add more tools in the coming days.

COVID govNews SignUp

The govNews SignUp tool lets you provide visitors with an easy way to subscribe to credible information from local, state, and federal governments. There are three options for using this tool, which you can place on your website by adding a simple line or block of code.

Multi-State govNews SignUp Widget

subscription box for the multi-state signup

Offer your website visitors the option to stay informed with COVID-19 updates from reliable government sources in any state by embedding this on your website.

Visitors can:
• Choose the state they would like to subscribe to via email.
• Select COVID-19 related topics from other local or statewide government organizations.

State-Specific govNews SignUp Widget

screenshot of subscriber box for state-specific signup widget

Give your website visitors the option to stay informed with COVID-19 updates from reliable government sources specific to your state by embedding this on your website.

Visitors can:
• Select topics specific to your state that you have pre-configured.

govNews SignUp Overlay Widgets

screenshot of the subscriber overlay in action on a government website

This free, pre-built website overlay (or “pop-up”) prompts visitors to subscribe to COVID-19 related topics in their area from other local or statewide government organizations. Unlike the widget option, the overlay is pre-configured to your state based on your website settings — offering quick access to trusted government communications in your state.

How to Access the Tools

If you’re a Granicus govAccess user, you can access these new free tools in your govAccess CMS or Widget Library.

If you’re not a govAccess user, please access these tools in the COVID Toolkit.

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