
Driving mission impact with a more engaged stakeholder base – an ONS case study

2014-07-01 12_09_39-direct.govdelivery.com_ons-triple-your-reach-webAs a government agency, serving your stakeholders is at the core of your mission. You have information that your citizens need, and it’s your job as a communicator to get it to them. But getting the right information to the right people at the right time isn’t as simple as sending a letter anymore.

While technology has made communication with the public faster, cheaper, and more dynamic than ever, it’s also created a myriad of challenges as well. Not only because each new digital communications channel demands its own new set of skills to master, but also because you’re one of millions of other businesses and organisations all clamoring to master those skills and grab your stakeholders’ attention simultaneously.

Simply existing online and going through the social media motions is no longer enough, you have to be strategic in order to succeed. Just because you’re there doesn’t mean people are going to notice.

In government digital communications, your website is your organisation’s virtual “brick and mortar”. And just like with any storefront, the success of your business depends on getting people in the door, providing them with information/services they can’t find anywhere else, and giving them a reason to keep on coming back for more. Because your website serves as your virtual storefront, office, and warehouse of information all at the same time, it’s essential that it looks good and functions even better. But, as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) discovered, having a nice website is only one small part of a larger successful outreach strategy.

Following the launch of its new site, ONS faced a number of difficulties. Chief among these was the fact that traffic to the website was down, meaning many stakeholders were missing out on crucial information. ONS knew that in order to fulfill its mission impact it would need to increase traffic to its site, and increasing traffic in a meaningful and sustainable way required the creation of a digital communications strategy that focused on engaged subscribers rather than one-time visitors. So, using the GovDelivery system, ONS set out to do just that.

Join us on Thursday, July 31st at 2:00pm GST as Alison Davies, Web Analytics Manager at ONS, and Amish Patel, Senior Client Development Consultant at GovDelivery Europe, explain how ONS greatly improved traffic to its website and cultivated a strong base of engaged stakeholders, ultimately increasing subscribers to ONS updates by more than 500%. Alison and Amish will share ONS’ journey and explore the importance of increasing engaged stakeholders to achieve mission impact.

For more information or to register for the webinar, click here.

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