
Conversion Tactic #9: License and Permit Renewals and Reminders

Welcome to the ninth method to convert your public sector audience. After detailing conversion methods like lapsed buyer, cart abandonment, and cross- and upsell campaigns, the last of the series will dive into license and permit renewal notifications and reminders.

Last week we went into depth on our blog about grant and tax notifications, but license and permit renewals and reminders are one in the same. Like notifications, renewals and reminders are a way to inform public sector audiences to remit essential information and hit deadlines.

Think about it, each state has unique rules and regulations about renewing a driver’s license – varying from four to 12 years – and registrations don’t stop there. U.S. citizens have a handful of licenses and permits they must have to operate a business, hunt, drive, operate a boat, and much more.

In recent years, many states have lengthened the renewal cycle for the general population and given license holders the opportunity to renew by mail. But why not digitize it and make it accessible to the 85 percent of Americans who access email on a regular basis?

Why Send Email Renewals and Reminders?

Using email to power communications to your audience has multiple benefits.

  1. It’s targeted: Instead of sending mass messages, you can target your emails to specific individuals who have visited your website or previously received a permit or license from your organization.
  2. It’s effective: Permits and reminders have one of the highest open rates of all email categories. They stand out in an inbox because rather than seeing a sales pitch, the email informs customers of upcoming deadlines.
  3. It reduces cost: These changes reduce administrative costs like postage.
  4. It’s tied to analytics: See how your audience interacts with your email content.
  5. It increases on-time renewals: With better access to information and the convenience of online communications, people are more apt to renew on time.
  6. It’s sustainable: No paper is needed with a digital mode of communication like email.

How Do You Automate Renewals and Reminders?

Marketing automation allows public sector organizations the opportunity to send renewals and reminders automatically to target audiences. It’s all about the use of technology to create a process with minimal human intervention. With automation, you can target a specific group of people, tailor your communications, and track results under one dashboard.

Real-Life Examples

The New York Department of Motor Vehicles recently created a renewal and reminder campaign for New York drivers. Drivers up for license renewal have the option of receiving either a text or email message when their driver license, non-driver ID card, registration, or vehicle inspection expires.

The Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife also sends boat registration renewal reminders personalized with the boat number, renewal price, and a renewal link, making the process of boat permit renewals easy. Texas residents just add their email on a landing page hosted by the Department, and are added to the subscriber list for renewals and reminders!

All in all, the ease of automating renewals and reminders online means more conversions, and more revenue for your public sector organization.

Do you have a particular case you would like to share about renewals and reminders? Connect with us on Twitter (@GovDelivery) and continue the conversation!

…And tune into the GovDelivery blog next week as we explore how social media can aid conversions.

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