The Covid-19 pandemic led to a surge in public records requests to school districts, a trend that continues today. While education leaders strive to provide transparency, the increased volume of requests often overburdens public records departments. According to the Washington Post, school districts can spend significant amounts on employee pay and overtime, sometimes even creating new positions to manage the workload.
The rise in records requests began with student advocacy groups seeking pandemic-related information, such as mask requirements and safety spending. It has since shifted to topics like race, gender, and sexual orientation in school curricula.
Selecting the best software for your needs
Public records managers know how time-consuming compliance can be, especially given their other responsibilities. With advancing technology, school districts need public records request software that automates workflows and reduces staff burden.
Choosing and advocating for the right public records software can be overwhelming. Granicus is here to help. We recommend the following steps to make the best selection:
Make a wishlist
In a perfect world, what do you want to achieve with your new software? Make a list of those things you’d like to make easier and better through the digital transformation of your records management duties. This wishlist will help focus your search before considering budget constraints.
Bring people in early
Connect with strategic stakeholders (executive directors, legal, and IT, for example) about your process and goals to help refine your wish list. Also, ask around: Has anyone in your district used public records software before in previous roles? They may have recommendations. By looping in stakeholders at the early stages of the process, you develop critical buy-in that will be needed later in the process to support the choice of software you need.
See the software in action
Reading about software will only take you so far. After doing research online, schedule product demonstrations. How does the software stack against your wish list? How secure is your data? The product demonstration is an opportunity to get a better understanding of what the software can do. Ask questions!
Remember integrations
Can the solution integrate with other software you already have or plan to purchase? Whether your needs shift or opportunities arise, there will come a time when you want to add more digital tools to your toolbox. From video to email, single sign-on to payment connectors, the best solutions make integration easy. Integrated solutions reduce your workload, too. Rather than logging in to multiple solutions and transferring information from one place to the other, you can accomplish everything you need in one place.
Integrated solutions also help you:
- Reduce contracting complexities
- Lighten the workload for IT management
- Offer a single point of contact for managing all your needs
- Reduce clicks that add up to real hours back in your work week
Vet the company
While it’s important that the software meets your needs, it’s also important to vet the company making the software. Will they still be around when you need them years down the road?
Here are a few things to consider:
- Are they designed for public sector organizations like yours?
- Is the company mature and have a track record of success?
- Does the company have a sound financial history?
- How does the company ensure its customers have success?
- Are their solutions secure and meet stringent information security guidelines?
- Can the solution scale as your district needs?
- Does the company have a history of innovation and looks to continuously improve its offerings?
- Will other customers provide references and positive reviews?
What to watch out for
There are also some pitfalls to watch out for. While many companies may offer public records management solutions, it is critical to focus on what is important to your mission and not get bogged down in features with little value or fall victim to flashy marketing campaigns.
Watch out for these common pitfalls:
Choosing looks over functionality
Don’t be distracted by superficial design elements. Stay focused on what really matters: The utility and dependability of the software.
Not digging deep with configurability questions
Whether you have a small, centralized team responsible for responding to requests, or a huge, decentralized team across multiple locations and security levels, the system you choose should not completely up-end your existing process or create complicated hurdles, roadblocks, or workarounds; it should simplify and streamline operations. Don’t assume that it is possible to recreate vital existing hierarchies, security permissions, or sub-tasks in every software solution.
Not getting proper buy-in
Public records offices do not operate in silos. Neither should software solutions. Loop in stakeholders early on to make sure you don’t encounter any surprises or delays later. Target the city/county manager or state executive director, IT director, legal team, and anyone who either oversees, reviews, or contributes to the public records process.
The path forward
The dramatic increase in public records requests in school districts shows no signs of slowing. School districts must assume this influx is part of a new normal and adjust accordingly. Leveraging an advanced request management system can dramatically reduce the time, money, and effort needed to meet these demands.
Records offices were structured to meet old requirements. They do not have the manual infrastructure in place to meet these new needs. Thankfully, improvements in technology provide a counterbalance to manage these additional requests with limited human resources.
Think of what this could look like in your district? How much would you want to efficiently manage large requests without stress? How could a robust software platform free staff to work on other projects?
Modern technology can help manage these requests efficiently, freeing staff to focus on other projects. Embrace this new normal and take steps to thrive in it.