
Best practices for improving your federal agency’s stakeholder engagement

scaleIn 2009, the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) had to face an unsettling fact: when it came to generating stakeholder engagement, the old way of doing things just wasn’t going to cut it anymore. After conducting research, DOI realized that despite being a federal agency with a huge stakeholder base and a wealth of important resources for the public, simply put, people didn’t know what DOI did. Its communication systems were inefficient, contact lists were difficult to manage, and although it spent hours with tedious message sends, those messages weren’t ultimately driving mission impact in the most effective way. Sound familiar?

If any (or all!) of DOI’s challenges ring a bell, rest assured you’re not alone. From the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), many federal agencies have revamped their digital practices to re-engage the public. In the age of digital overload it’s tougher than ever to gain the attention and ongoing engagement of your stakeholders in order to drive them to action, but as DOI, SBA, and FSA all prove, it’s achievable.

DOI was able to increase its reach by 100% in less than a year by working with GovDelivery to deliver a new digital communications strategy. And with ongoing effort and the use of a few highly impactful tools like website overlays and the GovDelivery Network, DOI has become an incredible success story. Since implementing GovDelivery in 2011, DOI’s reach has ultimately increased by an impressive 2840%.

Want to know how to get those kinds of results for your department? You’re in luck. If you’re looking for new strategies to better engage stakeholders at your agency, or if your department could benefit from connecting with more people, getting them to take online or offline actions, and measuring and tracking communication efforts, then our webinar coming up on Wednesday, July 30 is for you.

Mary Yang, Senior Marketing Communications Manager, and John Simpson, Engagement Consultant, at GovDelivery will explore best practices and strategies for how your organization can follow in DOI’s footsteps with your own successful digital communications plan. They’ll also be sharing in-depth case studies on a number of federal agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Small Business Administration (SBA) to get your wheels turning and help inspire your communications team to action.

Register for the webinar or just learn more about what topics it will cover here.

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