
Avoiding the Internet Explorer Security Vulnerability

Earlier this week Microsoft confirmed that every version of Internet Explorer has a security vulnerability following an attack on the popular browser.  The vulnerability from this attack occurs for those using Adobe Flash with Internet Explorer.

Image via the Washington Post

So what can you do if you’re using Internet Explorer within your organization?

As of right now there’s only a few things you can do to avoid being hacked. We highly recommend that you disable Adobe Flash in your browser or simply use another web browser. Until Microsoft releases a patch, these are your two best options.

For those utilizing Windows XP, Microsoft has announced that it will not be rolling out any bug fixes for the no longer supported platform, which means that 1 in 4 PCs will still be exposed to the security vulnerability.  This is, unfortunately, one of the risks that comes with using outdated software.

For more information on what your organization can do to avoid technical and other attacks on the security of your information, check out our blog post on “Phishing and Spoofing: What the Public Sector Needs to Know,” where we discuss further in depth the types of security attacks that often occur in government and what your organization can do to protect yourself.

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