
Announcing New Interactive Text Messaging Features

How many phone numbers do you have memorized?

Like most people, the answer is probably just one or two. In terms of accessing phone numbers, you probably store the important numbers you need in your smartphone, leaving little reason to actually memorize most of them.

New this week, GovDelivery is offering an option for organizations to use easy-to-remember shortcodes to help citizens take action immediately.

Shared Shortcodes for High Volume Sends

What are shortcodes? SMS shortcodes are 5-6 digit numbers that are easier to use and remember than the average 10-digit phone number.

Here is an example: Text “GovDelivery Blog” to 320-287-6069 (Try it!)

GovDelivery clients now have the ability to shorten the 10-digit number like the one above to a 5-6 digit number that is easier to remember (i.e. spelling out “SAMPLE” to “726753”). Shortcodes are primarily meant for high-volume sending while preserving the ability to implement quickly.

GovDelivery users can choose to either use a shortcode shared with other GovDelivery users (available immediately, configured during implementation); purchase a vanity shortcode shared across their agency’s campaigns (incorporated at contracting time); or continue to use 10-digit local numbers.

To learn more about shortcodes, check out the guide for selecting short codes vs. long codes.

New Featured Languages to Expand Your Audience

Also new this week, GovDelivery added Russian and Japanese language support to text messaging options. This brings our total count of supported languages to six, helping agencies continue to reach the widest possible audience. Russian and Japanese language support will be available for all admins of Interactive Text Messaging starting this week!

To learn more about which language options are available for Interactive Text Messaging, check out this information on language settings.

We are constantly working to improve the GovDelivery user experience to help you enhance the citizen experience. Continue to check back on the GovDelivery blog for highlights of new features.

Would you like to see a specific product or feature highlighted on the blog? Text your topic suggestion to 320-287-6069.

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