
A New Digital Communications Strategy Doubles North Lanarkshire Council’s Reach

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Digital outreach can be achieved through many channels, and social media platforms are just a few of them.

Targeted email campaigns deployed using solutions like GovDelivery’s Communications Cloud are an effective way to reach large audiences and specific groups of residents, visitors and businesses. An email updates service provides customers with the information they need and want, on the platform and device of their choice – and pretty much the moment it becomes available!

North Lanarkshire Council knows how powerful digital communications can be for getting important messages out to residents swiftly and encouraging them to take action. Email alerts and social media channels are central to the council’s communications strategy – not least to help deliver on a range of campaigns to change behaviors and increase the uptake of online services.

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For example, for many years now — and with great success — the council has used social media channels including Twitter and Facebook to provide residents with immediate updates about roads, schools and bin collections, alleviating the pressure on the council’s website, and driving traffic to its online services where appropriate.

North Lanarkshire Council’s social media following grew dramatically during the winter of 2010 when its Twitter profile became the go-to channel for residents during “the big freeze”. More than 25,000 people currently follow the council on social media.

To accommodate citizens’ ever-changing needs — and their expectation of being able to access services online using their smart device — North Lanarkshire Council is using GovDelivery’s Communications Cloud to deliver targeted email campaigns to over 24,000 people. The platform enables the council to:

  • Increase its reach and resident engagement in a range of initiatives and services
  • Tailor its subscription topics to give people choice and updates to suit their specific needs
  • Easily measure the reach, engagement rates, and real success of campaigns

Some of the email bulletins the council provides include “Council News,” “Bins,” and “Roads,” and other more specific topics such as “School Lunch Menus.” Parents and carers receive the menu on a Sunday and sit with their child to choose for the week ahead.

Parent and child choosing school lunch menu

Email bulletins put the information residents have specifically requested directly into their inboxes. It also gives those who don’t want to turn to social media an alternative method of contact that’s still available at their fingertips, on their mobile device. This gives people choice, and helps the council deliver the right messages to the right people at the right time. Ultimately, this can only be a good thing for improving customers’ satisfaction and relationships between the council and local citizens.

With the email platform, North Lanarkshire Council will be able to continue measuring the success of its campaigns by looking at the user-friendly reports and dashboards available. For example, by analysing the engagement rates and the outcome of initiatives, the council can continue to tailor and refine its communications efforts for maximum impact in the future.

For more details on how North Lanarkshire Council used GovDelivery’s Communications Cloud (and the metrics on audience growth and engagement rates), view the success story here.

To speak to a GovDelivery representative, please contact us. To read how other organizations have used GovDelivery services, check out our downloads.

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