
Three ways digital engagement is changing transportation

By Amy Larsen, Market Development Strategist at GovDelivery

Government agencies tasked with the responsibility of keeping drivers and passengers safe on the road face daunting challenges every day. From finding new ways to increase awareness of the importance of cars seats and seat belts, to helping drivers avoid congestion and road closures, satisfying the ever-changing needs of today’s travelers can seem like an uphill battle. Fortunately, new technologies are reshaping the way transportation agencies are driving improved outcomes for travelers across the country.

Here are some of the top ways transportation agencies are doing more to ensure public safety and achieve greater customer satisfaction:

1) Real Time Alerting

From text messaging to email to social media, more transportation agencies are using new technology to reach audiences based on their geographic preferences and offer relevant real-time transportation alerts. Some states, including California and Wyoming, offer options like live interactive traffic maps and 24/7 live streams of road conditions, meaning drivers can better plan commutes to decrease time spent in traffic and avoid potential road hazards. Because drivers typically want information only on traffic conditions that might actually impact their travel, location based alerting on digital channels is becoming the new normal for transportation agencies looking to deliver instant traffic and safety information.

2) Online License and Registration Renewal

More transportation and vehicle licensing departments are looking to move more of their transactions online to alleviate customer wait times and increase voluntary renewal of things like vehicle tabs and registration. Agencies looking for a seamless customer experience offer email or text-message based communication as a simple solution to drive more transactions online, increase overall customer satisfaction and streamline customer service at physical locations. Washington State Department of Licensing already offers its customers a simple way to receive email reminders when their vehicle or boat registration is due for renewal, making it easier for residents to keep registrations current.

3) Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Source: NHTSA Click it or Ticket Campaign

Source: NHTSA Click it or Ticket Campaign

The Click it or Ticket campaign was officially launched nationally in the US in 2003, with support and participation from local, state and federal public safety and transportation agencies. The campaign generated increased public awareness around the danger associated with driving without a seatbelt, and coupled with increased enforcement efforts, the campaign continues to drive significant increases in the number of drivers who choose to wear seat belts today. Other transportation marketing campaigns around preventing drunk driving, preparing for severe weather or preventing highway deaths are already in place in states around the country, with the goal of achieving improved outcomes.

Looking for ways to incorporate the most powerful digital strategies into your outreach plan? Join us May 7th to learn how Wyoming DOT increased traveler safety and improved customer satisfaction using innovative approaches to transportation communication.

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