
2014 UK & Europe Client Newsletter

By Dave Worsell, Director, Government Solutions, GovDelivery UK

2013 has flashed by. It’s been a busy year for the GovDelivery team and we’re delighted to have welcomed a very large number of new clients the past year including HMRC, Office for National Statistics, Devon, Birmingham, Thurrock, Stockport, Rotherham, Vale of Glamorgan… in fact far too many to list them all here.

While the savage budget cuts have been extremely painful for everyone in the public sector the silver-lining is that they have driven innovation faster and further than ever before. The public sector has made huge strides in digital engagement and the UK is arguably one of the world leaders in Digital Government. Because of this, managing digital communications has become a very hot topic. Most central and local government organisations now see the full potential and substantial cost savings that can be realised by more transparent, efficient and effective digital communications.

The increased interest in digital communications was highlighted at our recent event hosted at the National Audit Office. The event attracted 150 attendees from across the public sector with a further 600 attendees joining the live stream to hear from digital leaders from the Government Digital Service, HMRC, Health and Safety Executive and Southampton City Council.

Stories from these government clients demonstrated that the GovDelivery Network has been a critical driving force behind the rapid growth in the levels of engagement they have achieved. The network’s impact has been incredible with clients like Southampton City Council achieving outreach levels in excess of 33% of the city’s population and ONS seeing audience growth of over 500% in just 3 months.


With GovDelivery now reaching nearly 3 million UK subscribers who have signed up to receive information from over 60 public sector bodies, we are far and away the largest and most effective dedicated public sector communication network in the UK. As a conference attendee stated, “if you want to reach more people you’ll need a very strong business case not to use the GovDelivery Network”. If you still don’t know how the network works then the following video explains it all: GovDelivery Network Video

I’m delighted to be working with clients at the very cutting edge of the digital revolution. 2014 promises to be another exciting year.

You also won’t want to miss some of the new white papers and e-books we released to help build your 2014 communications strategy. Read through the entire newsletter here for more information.

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