
How Topics Like Fall Color Change Can Increase Your Impact


Every day, there are over 5,000 unique topics that GovDelivery’s 1,800 users cover in their communications with their audiences. Ranging from hurricane updates to hunting license renewal reminders, government email communications are more digitally diverse than ever.

And what was one of the most trendy topics this month? Fall colors.

Knowing that topics like fall colors have an active audience (especially in the Midwest), some states are leveraging them to increase subscribers and engage them in new ways. We thought we’d share a few of our favorite ways states are communicating on this hot topic:

Michigan: Uses Colorful Bulletins to Increase Website Traffic

Michigan sent four email bulletins in the last month on the topic of fall colors. The messages are colorful and engaging, and have an enticing click-through opportunity that connects visitors to their website.


Wisconsin: Optimizes Web Visitors With a Fun Overlay

Wisconsin uses this awesome overlay to connect with their website visitors that easily subscribes them to email topics. Overlays are highly effective (the median increase in subscribers is 174 percent with overlays, according to the most recent Benchmark Report), especially when they can use a trending topic to encourage signups.

Minnesota: Prominently Displays Social Icons

Explore Minnesota, the state’s tourism department, sends a weekly bulletin with updates on the changes in fall foliage. The newsletter gives detailed information on colors in parks throughout the state, but also has social icons prominently displayed in order to help the reader connect in additional ways through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other popular sites.


Missouri: Uses Bulletins to Promote Upcoming Event

Email reminders have some of the highest open rates across e-bulletins, and can be highly effective – especially when it comes to capitalizing on a hot topic like fall color changes. Missouri sent the following digital message to help promote their upcoming fall driving tour throughout the northwest area of the state.


Iowa: Digital Message Promotes Other Fall Activities

In late September, colors weren’t changing as quickly in Iowa as they normally do, so they used the fall color topic to promote other fall-related activities. The example below is the message they sent on the 10 must-visit fall attractions.


While there are so many topics government organizations cover on a daily basis, the more popular topics can be a great opportunity to increase subscribers or engagement for future communications.

Do you have an example of when your organization used a hot topic to increase your impact? Let us know at

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