
Nominate your organization for our new Outreach and Impact awards!

We know that gold stars don’t hold the same appeal today as they did when you were a kid, but there’s no shame in striving for the adult equivalent. Getting recognized for good work is always important. As a government organization you do essential, impactful work on a daily basis with less glamor and a tighter budget than many of your private sector peers. We’re consistently impressed with the quality of your digital communications, and we want you to be too.

Awards-sig If your organization has stepped up its game and is achieving more program or mission success by reaching more people than ever before with your digital communications, we want to hear about it. Nominate your agency for our new Outreach and Impact awards and let us officially honor you with that adult equivalent of a gold star you so genuinely deserve. The awards are designed to recognize public sector organizations that are doing great work with their digital communications and to honor the time, talent, and dedication of the people behind it.

You can nominate your organization by submitting your digital marketing activities (including email, social, SMS text, voice or website sign-up best practices) for any one of the following Outreach & Impact awards:

  •  Maximizer: For organizations that substantially build audience reach or an online community to achieve organization objects by utilizing digital marketing best practices.
  •  Designer: For organizations that highlight creative use of design and messaging that drive stakeholder action by influencing behavior or building public trust.
  •  Integrator: For organizations that integrate, streamline, or automate personalized messaging (think RSS feeds, transactional messages, drip campaigns, multichannel communications/COPE, and so on) to increase departmental efficiency, ROI and influence behavior.
  •  Collaborator: For organizations that collaborate with others in the public sector to reach more people and incite action.

Don’t be shy! We know you’re doing amazing things in these areas, and we want to hear about it. Learn more about the Outreach and Impact awards and nominate your organization here.

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