Stories of helpers continue to bring us hope through the uncertainty of COVID-19. From providing access to financial assistance to supporting students and parents, the public sector is stepping up to meet needs of their communities. Robert McCleary, Communications Manager of Gedling Borough Council, took to govCommunity — an online environment where govs can connect on COVID-19 best practices — to share a successful campaign the Council ran, using govDelivery as their main communications channel.
Gedling’s local food banks faced growing demand and needed support, so the Council decided to help.
They sent an email bulletin through govDelivery to 19,000 recipients with an outstanding open rate of 51%.
“In 48 hours we raised £21,000 for our local food banks with email being the most effective way in getting people signed up,” said McCleary.
Screenshot of Gedling Borough Council’s Giving for Gedling email.
The Council’s initial goal was to raise £20,000, but within 48 hours they had surpassed their goal and raised £21,000. Realizing the generosity of their audience and community, the Council set a new goal to raise £25,000 with another email send.
The Council incorporates several best practices to make their email a success. It begins with strong branding, incorporating their logo, which creates trust in the audience. The message is one of sincerity — with councilmembers leading the cause by donating. An image of a food bank creates visual interest and engagement. A strong CTA at the bottom drives the audience to action.
With stay-at-home orders and social distancing, digital communications are an effective way to reach your audience. Gedling Borough Council’s story is one of hope. The Council was able to send 19,000 emails and raise £21,000 for local food banks in 48 hours through Granicus govDelivery solution. Digital communications are powering citizen engagement when face-to-face communication can’t.
Connect your community to important information via email, text, and social media with our govDelivery solution. Get up and running in days with our FastTrack implementation. Learn More >>